Destructive Physical Analysis (DPA)
We break it so you wont
Service Description
The largest activity in the laboratory is the performance of DPA Testing for a wide variety of commercial, civil, and military space programs. Hi-Rel was the first commercial test lab in the U.S. to perform DPA testing in a support role to “in house” OEM Laboratories beginning in 1972. Since that time, Hi-Rel has established itself as the premier DPA Test Lab in the country capable of handling several hundred DPA´s on a monthly basis while maintaining the benchmark for quality in the performance of DPA. Our technical staff is constantly involved in the enhancement and creation of test methods currently utilized by the Industry. In addition to routine DPA, Hi-Rel performs constructional analysis (CA) on COTS components on a regular basis for our customers qualifying non-QPL or non-QML product. The requirements for these analyses are tailored and customized individually to address our customer´s needs and concerns. Hi-Rel draws on its extensive experience in electronic component materials evaluation to obtain the maximum amount of information for the customer at the lowest cost. Hi-Rel can help you with your DPA Testing needs, contact Trevor Devaney for assistance
Contact Details
Hi-Rel Laboratories Inc, North Freya Street, Spokane, WA, USA